Convert Case Online Tool: Our easy to use convert case online tool will convert text between Upper case, Lowercase, Title Case, Sentence Case, AP Title Case, Each Word case and Shuffle case.
Convert Case online tool to Convert Upper Case to Lower Case, Lower Case to Upper Case, Sentence Case, Title Case and More.
Steps to Convert case to text with our powerful Convert Case online tool:
How to use Convert Case Online Tool
- Step 1: Type or paste your block of text.
- Step 2: Select convert case options from drop down.
- Step 3: Click on convert button to convert case instantly.
- step 4: Copy or download output as text document.
That’s it!
Simply enter your text to convert case of text from UPPER CASE to lower case, lower case to upper case, to Sentence case, to Title Case, to AP Title case, to Each word, to shuffle and more. You can easily select any of the following case to convert your text using our converter case online tool.
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Title Case
- AP Title Case
- Each Word
- Sentence
- Shuffle
Upper Case
The upper Case converter will take all the text (lower and upper case letters) and converts it into CAPITAL letters. Lower case letters will get converted as UPPER case and all upper case letters will keep as it is.
To convert all text to UPPER case, simply paste the text, then select UPPER case option and click on the Convert button.
Lower Case
The lower case converter will allow you to paste/type any text in editor, and it will convert all the letters in to lower case letters.
To convert all text to lower case, simply paste the text, then select lower case option and click on the Convert button.
Sentence Case
Sentence Case will capitalize the very first letter in each sentence. It will take any text in editor and converts to sentence case by capitalizing the first letter in each sentence. It will essentially make all text into structured sentence.
To convert text to structured Sentence case, simply paste the text, then select Sentence case option and click on the Convert button.
Case Converter Examples
Uppercase Case Converter
Lowercase Case Converter
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Each Word Case Converter
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.
Title Case Case Converter
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.
AP Title Case Case Converter
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog.
Sentence Case Case Converter
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Shuffle Case Converter
tHE QuicK bRown foX Jumps oVeR The lazy dOG.
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Last Updated on September 1, 2024