Word Counter Online: Count words, Characters, Sentences, Paragraphs and Lines

Use this real time Word Counter online tool to count Words, Characters, Characters without spaces, Sentences, Paragraphs and total lines of your text.

Characters excluding spaces0
Total Lines0

Online Word Counter tool: Count words and characters in your texts with the must-have online word counter tool for words, characters, sentences and paragraphs.

Follow these steps to easily count words and characters using our Word Counter online tool:

How to Use Word Counter to Count Words and Characters

What is Word Counter Tool?

Word counter is an online tool that counts number words, characters without spaces, paragraphs, lines and sentences in your given text. Write or paste the text into the text area and word counter automatically count the number of words and characters as you type.

Word Counter tool will display the following statistics:

The online word counter tool is a simple way to count how many words you have in a sentence, paragraph or full document. Simply cut and paste your text in the box or start typing. Your word count is automatically displayed under statistics section.

Whenever you need to write an article with a fixed amount of words, or just need to know the length of a block of text, you can use our word counter to check this. Just paste your text into the text box below, and you are ready to count the words. Recently we added a feature to count the characters and words in real time.

If you are only interested in counting character the you can use the character count tool.

Count words using MS Word

If you use the Microsoft Office Word software, you can check the word count even easier. Just check the status bar at the bottom-right of the screen, and you can see it there. As you type, the word-count is directly updated.

Also you can check just a selection of the text. Just select the section you need to count with your mouse. Know the status bar will show something like this: “88 / 400”. This means the total document contains 400 words, and the selection just 88.

Features of Word Counter Tool

Most Popular and Useful Online Text Tools:

Uses of Word Counter Online tool

The most common uses of our free word counter online are:

Word Counter FAQ

How to count words with Word Counter online tool?

Simply type or paste content to know the number of words, characters, paragraphs, lines and sentences presented in that content.

Does word counter count characters?

The Word Counter display the characters, either including or excluding spaces.

How can i upload text file in Word Counter tool?

Select open option under file in drop down then select file from device to upload it. Once it done, this word counter displays all stats.

is Word Counter privacy friendly?

Yes, our word counter online tool is privacy friendly and counting of words and characters is done locally in your browser. No data will be stored in our server.

Online Counting Tools

Last Updated on February 2, 2025