Calorie Calculator

Calorie Calculator

Activity Level
BMR estimation formula

How to Use Calorie Calculator

Following are the Steps to calculate calories using calorie calculator:

Step 1: Choose your preferred units to be used. It can be in imperial which is expressed in pounds (lbs) and inches (in) or metric which is written in kilogram (kg) and centimetres (cm). Remember, choose it in pairs you cannot mix up imperial and metric units.

Step 2: Select your gender as it will be the reference to the formula to be used.

Step 3: Input the values of your age, weight, and height.

Step 4: Choose the appropriate level of activity you conduct.

Step 5: If you have your BMR estimation or body fat percentage measurement on hand input it too. But if you don’t it is okay to skip it.

Step 6: Click on Calculate button and check the Your daily calorie needs

There you have it, manage and achieve your health goals with this useful and reliable Calorie calculator.

There is this popular adage that says “you are what you eat”. Truly, the food that you eat and the lifestyle that you adapt wholly impact your overall health and well being. Every day, we encounter food that satisfactorily makes our day. Sometimes, those foods that we enjoy contain a high amount of calories. If not planned daily, chances are obesity and health-related risks can consume our body.

On this note, calorie counting has been adopted by many people. By measuring the amount of calorie intake daily, the food that we intake in our body is supervised. Using a calorie calculator is a helpful way to calorie counting.

Here’s what we need to know in using a calorie calculator.

What are calories?

Our bodies need nutrition from the food that we eat. One of these nutrients that our bodies need in calories. The main source of energy that our body sustains is provided by calories. Calories are made up of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Basically, most of the food that we eat contains calories.

Generally, a calorie is a unit of measurement calculated from the food we partake in and eat for our bodies. So, when we eat food that has a higher amount of calories, then our body is provided with ample calories as well.

What composes calories?

Generally, calories are composed of these three basic nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Carbohydrates are often found in rice and bread. Fats are often found in fatty foods such as bacon, hotdogs, and sausages. On the other hand, proteins are found in the meats of chicken, pork, and beef.

The total calorie intake of our body is derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These three nutrients affect the number of calories present in our bodies. Also, calories are the main source of energy that our body can expend from our daily activities.

How to Calculate your Calories

In a BMI calculator, you get a BMI score that determines your Body Mass Index and body composition. In the same sense, a Calorie Calculator determines the number of calories recommended for your body’s daily intake. Calculating your calories gives you the result of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

In order to calculate your calories, you need to type in your height, weight, and your personal age activity. After which, you are going to determine how many calories you need to eat on a daily basis base to achieve your ideal weight on the following personal information: goal weight, exercise or workouts weekly, personal weight goal, body fat, and measurement of your waist.

If you have already typed in those data in your calorie calculator, this is now the time to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

BMR Formulas

There are three formulas that a calorie calculator used to measure your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). These formulas are Mifflin – St Jeor Formula, Harris-Benedict Formula, and Kach – McArdle Formula. Each of these formulas has different equations and can vary per person.

Mifflin – St Jeor Equation

This equation was found out to be more accurate compared to the Harris-Benedict Equation. Also, among the three equations, Mifflin – St Jeor provides the most accurate result for your BMR.


BMR = 10W 6.25 H – 5A 5


BMR = 10W 6.25 H – 5A – 161

Harris-Benedict Equation

This is one of the earliest equations provided to calculate your BMR. Later on, this equation was modified to the Mifflin – St Jeor Equation to provide a more detailed and accurate result for your BMR.


BMR = 13.397W 4.799H – 5.677 A 88.362


BMR = 9.247W 3.098H – 4.330A 447.593

Katch – Mc Ardle Formula

This formula is different compared to the other two equations. This formula calculates a person’s resting daily energy expenditure is also known as the RDEE. If you are a leaner person and already have the data of your body fat, then this equation is the right one for you.

BMR = 370 21.6 (1-F) W

Calorie Intake for Weight Loss

After calculating your calories using the Calorie Calculator and the formulas included in it, then the result shows the number of calories you need to achieve and maintain in order to attain that desired weight you want for yourself.

Both men and women should have an appropriate and healthy calorie intake. If you want to achieve that ideal weight, it is highly inadvisable to lower your calorie intake to fewer than 1200 calories per day. This is not a healthy and conscious way to lower your weight. There are body mass and fat mass that you need to consider on the overall composition of your body.

Proper exercise and eating healthy and nutritious food are still the best ways to maintain your ideal body weight. If you lower your calorie intake at an excessive lowest calorie intake, it can affect your body’s overall weight and well-being.

Calories Your Body Need Daily

Your daily calorie intake should not be lower than 1000 calories per day. If you eat food with 1000 fewer calories daily, then your overall health and well being are negatively affected. It is still important that you consult a medical professional or a licensed dietitian in order to accurately help you decide on the number of calories that your body needs.

Weight loss is not an overnight process. It takes discipline and a steadfast mindset in order to supervise and keep up with your daily calorie intake.

Calorie Calculator FAQs

Is measuring your calorie a healthy habit?

Yes, it is a healthy habit. Measuring your calorie intake is still advised by medical professionals and licensed dietitians. It is important to know your body first and consult the help of a medical professional for you to calculate your calorie intake.

Why is my calorie intake different from other people’s calories intake?

This depends on the needs of your body. Both men and women have varying needs when it comes to their calorie intake daily. Our bodies are different thus the food we eat and the calories sustained in it vary from each person.

How does a calorie calculator help me in my weight loss journey?

A calorie calculator keeps you on track of your calorie intake. It shows the measure of your calories you needed to take on a daily basis. Also, measuring your calories using a calorie calculator will help you attain your ideal weight.

What can I do to achieve overall health aside from calorie counting?

It is essentially important to exercise and eat nutritious foods. Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is the key factor in achieving your ideal body weight. Also, having a positive mindset towards health and weight can impact your overall health.

Last Updated on February 2, 2025